On Consuming Slow Media
“Consuming” Slow Media means, on the one hand, receiving offered presentations, samples, exhibits, and so on, and, on the other, active participation in the processes that lead to novel creations. In order to find out how Slow Media works, it is useful to work actively with Slow Media. Slow Media is thus work in progress, conceptualizing concepts and experimenting with them, creating representations and using them at once. In the case of the Anthropocene, Slow Media is a very pluralistic instrument—not just to reflect anthropocenic issues, but also as a possibility to inquire into the mapping and interpretation of the Anthropocene by contemporaries.
Understood in this way, Slow Media is first and foremost a possibility to reflect and understand fuzzy concepts such as the Anthropocene by using them creatively. They are an emergent property of their use. Both the participants in and the instructors on the seminar demonstrated impressively the numerous possibilities to grasp anthropocenic topics, but also to develop methods for nonlinear and multi-perspective storytelling. The most important feature of the seminar was certainly the heterogeneity of the group and the smaller working clusters; participants from the arts, sciences, social sciences, and humanities had to work together. The conclusion that can be drawn from this is that heterogeneity itself can be seen as a method in developing Slow Media approaches.