Fernando Silva e Silva is a Brazilian researcher, translator, and teacher. He holds a PhD in Philosophy, an MA in Language Studies, a BA in French Language and Literature, and a BA in Philosophy. In the last few years, he has been writing and teaching at the intersection of science fiction, environmental studies, metaphysics, history of sciences and philosophies, and anthropology. He is concerned with issues such as the many ecological crises, the history of the conceptions of Nature, the symbiotic relationship of modernity and coloniality, and the relation of politics, philosophy, science, and fiction. He is also one of the founders of the collectively-run research and teaching association Associação de Pesquisas e Práticas em Humanidades [Association for Research and Practice in the Humanities], coordinator of the Grupo de Pesquisa em Ecologia das Práticas [Research Group in the Ecology of Practices], and part of the Age of the Earth Network, responsible, among other things, for the Earth and Us project and the Anthropocene Campus Brasil. Silva e Silva is also the proponent of one of the pathways for the Habitability course on the Anthropocene Curriculum platform.