Seminar: Sensing the Insensible
With a critical eye to what aesthetics in/of/through the Anthropocene might mean, we will engage with ways that established forms of perceiving might be transformed in the broadest sense—toward new sensitivities of the long now, and the emergent technosphere that conditions our understanding of it.
Read MorePrologue
“How can we participate instead of observe?” Jeremy Bolen, Emily Eliza Scott, and Andrew Yang on aesthetics as an access point to the transdisciplinarity inherent to the Anthropocene and what role an experimental vocabulary can play in the seminar to allow a sensual understanding of the Technosphere.
- contributionJeremy Bolen, Caroline Picard, Emily Eliza Scott, Andrew Yang
The Aesthetic Origins of the Anthropocene
Given the importance of the “start” for the entire Anthropocene narrative, we should consider an aesthetic approach to the question.
Conversation, Reflection, Aesthetics, Affect, Deep time
- contributionKayla Anderson, Sria Chatterjee, Rohini Devasher, Eiko Honda, Maya Kóvskaya, Jia-Hui Lee, Angela Rawlings, Pinar Yoldas
Shadow Speculakon
How can we envision future life-forms? With the help of an overhead projector and paper cutouts we enter the anthropocenic version of Plato’s cave.
Reflection, Experiment, Speculative, Life, Future
- contributionRavi Agarwal, Marc Herbst, Navjot Altaf Mohamedi, Christopher Reznich, Perrin Selcer
In order to rearrange our mental landscapes, we must learn not to pull on one end of the thread, but to engage the knot as a whole. Instructions for a complex relationship role-play.
Teaching, Reflection, Aesthetics, Epistemology, Wisdom, glossary
- contributionElena Bougleux, Eva Castringius, Jonathan Cohrs, Lars Kulik, Esther Meyer, Christopher Reznich
Hurry, there are limited seats! Exploring social stratification and the limits of cooperation with the help of peanuts and musical chairs.
Sensing, Teaching, Aesthetics, Epistemology, survival, glossary
- contributionEva Castringius, Christoph Eggersglüß, Ryan Griffis, Lisa Gutermuth, Jesse Peterson, Daniel Wolter
Decolonize With
How can we decolonize the disembodied truth-claims of picture making? Instructions for analyzing images using five senses and more.
Reflection, Teaching, Aesthetics, Agency, glossary, Colonialism
- contributionKayla Anderson, Anne Berg, Marc Herbst, Samuel Hertz, Maximilian Lau, Andrea Steves
If you need to close your eyes, you may. If you need to leave the room, you may. If you have to leave the exercise, you may. An Exercise in not doing doing.
Experiment, Teaching, Autonomy, Aesthetics, glossary
- contributionLeah Aronowsky, Caitlin Berrigan, Manjana Milkoreit, Angela Rawlings
Petroleum is a dark, thick distillation of mosses, bones, bodies, and beings condensed over time together. What was it anticipating? Did it expect to be discovered and extracted in such a relative instant?
Experiment, Teaching, Aesthetics, Energy, glossary, Oil