Apr 23, 201652.519° 13.364°

Feral Technologies: Seminar Report

Animal and plant life has been thought to adapt to man’s technologies. But if we reconsider these stories of agency and mastery of the human, the perspectives on the Anthropocene and the technosphere multiply. In her report on the “Feral Technologies” seminar, Lissette Olivares recaptures the proposed pathways into the technospheric muddle: from a monologue by a rabbit on humans and their companion species in postwar Berlin via the grass’s substrate in the opening scene of David Lynch’s Blue Velvet to the future of the “Sticky Goosefoot” and the history of rice. With a special focus on the seminar’s field trip to the abandoned switchyard in Berlin’s Schöneberg.

Making and Unmaking Multispecies Dumps
Lissette Olivares at the report session for the seminar Feral Technologies on April 17, 2016. Recorded at HKW, Berlin.