Keyword: Adaptation
- contributionKoki Tanaka
A Conversation with Koki Tanaka on Where is the Planetary?
Koki Tanaka explains his approach to designing five experimental settings for Where is the Planetary?
Experiment, Engagement, Adaptation, Care, Scale, Climate change, Socio-ecological design
- contributionStephanie Wakefield, Gean Moreno
Wars of Armageddon
What does it mean to live in a city already deemed “unsavable” and why is the contemporary art made in Miami that deals directly with climate change often so innocuous?
Case Study, Reflection, Aesthetics, Adaptation, Capitalism, Climate change, Disaster, Flood
- contributionSimon Turner, Victor Galaz
Exchange On Collaboration And Complexity
How best can organizations reconcile alliance building, promote public discussions on environmental crises and nurture cultural shifts?
Conversation, Engagement, Scale, Adaptation, Governance, Participatory governance
- contributionKillian Quigley
Reading the Anthropocene Ocean
How do tropes and images of a changing ocean operate in a larger system of cultural sensemaking? Killian Quigley collects a range of threads to map the disfiguration and deformation of an anthropocenic biosphere that swells below the sea’s surface.
Sensing, Aesthetics, Ecology, Epistemology, Human-environment relations, Adaptation, Ocean, Future, Representation, Water
- contributionFlorike Egmond
Water as a Way of Life (and Death)
Historian Florike Egmond (University of Leiden) gives a keynote lecture about the historic relationship between humans and water on the Dutch river delta.
Teaching, Adaptation, Engineering, Flood, History, Human-environment relations, Water
- event
Anthropocene Campus Venice 2021
Over the span of a week in Venice, Italy, this forum will take the water city as a point of departure to collectively reflect on geo-environmental politics, providing a space for co-learning, interdisciplinary collaborations, and comparative studies.
Field Work, Field Study, Conversation, Engagement, Sensing, Water, Human-environment relations, History, Adaptation, Climate change, Flood
- project
Anthropocene Campus Venice
Taking Venice as a point of departure to collectively reflect on geo-environmental politics in the water city and beyond.
Case Study, Conversation, Engagement, Sensing, Field Work, Water, Adaptation, Climate change, Flood, Human-environment relations, Risk
- contributionAron Chang
Drawn Together
On drawing as a core methodology, not only to record and understand dynamic conditions but also to devise new approaches and imaginaries for New Orleans and beyond.
Engagement, Field Study, Field Work, Reflection, Conversation, Imaginary, Infrastructure, Adaptation, Complexity, Engineering, Human-environment relations, Sustainability, Speculative
- contributionJeremy Bolen, Temporary continent.
Time Out Of Mind
Jeremy Bolen traces the various human interventions that have shaped Cache River Valley in Southern Illinois, asking what can be learned from this landscape.
Conversation, Engagement, Sound, Ecology, Human-environment relations, Engineering, Adaptation
- contributionJohn Anfinson
An Anthropocene Challenge: Creating models for landscape-scale change
How can we develop landscapes in response to the Anthropocene? A reflection on the defunct Upper Harbor Terminal complex.
Reflection, Adaptation, Degradation, Human-environment relations, Resilience, Naturecultures, Model
- contributionPatrick Nunnally
One Place, Many Names
What are the ideological underpinnings of common notions of “restoration”? Patrick Nunally explores this question on the site of Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Reflection, Adaptation, Degradation, Resilience, Naturecultures, Industrialization
- contributionNatalie Mueller
In Search of Lost Crops Where the Buffalo Roam
A reflection by archaeologist and ethnobotanist Natalie G. Mueller on how sharing meal of long lost plants transformed her research perspective.
Case Study, Experiment, Reflection, Human-animal relations, Adaptation, Biodiversity, Agriculture
- contributionEleonora Rohland
Arriving in the Anthropocene: 300 years of adaptation to hurricanes and Mississippi floods in New Orleans
In keeping with many of the themes underpinning the Anthropocene River Campus, Eleonora Rohland explains how the question of adaptation so present post-Katrina has a much longer history in NOLA.
Case Study, Reflection, Adaptation, Urbanism, Engineering, Settler Colonialism
- Field Noteryan.griffis
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Modeling, Mapping, Reflection, Experiment, Conversation, Adaptation, Aesthetics, Affect, Agency, Architecture, Care, Climate change, Contingency, Ecology, Future, Imaginary, Infrastructure, Landscape, Representation
- Field Noteayse
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Adaptation, Agency, Biodiversity, Climate change, Complexity, Future, Knowledge transformation, Landscape, Perception, Flooding, 2019
- Field Notesimon.turner
Carlisle, Louisiana, USA
Adaptation, Biosphere, Ecology, Geo-engineering, Habits, Resilience
- Field Noteayse
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Sensing, Reflection, Sound, Adaptation, Aesthetics, Ecology, Landscape, Air, 2019, Urban
- Field Noteslewison
Natchez, Mississippi, USA
Adaptation, Biodiversity, Climate change, Complexity, Contingency, Degradation, Ecology, Evolution, Landscape, Life, Resilience, Adventitious, Geo-ecologies
- project
Technosphere, Berlin 2015–19
The exploratory research project Technosphere 2015–2019 investigated the origins and future itineraries of technological agency in the Anthropocene.
Experiment, Case Study, Reflection, Adaptation, Technoscience, Technosphere, Infrastructure, Capitalism, Human-environment relations, Inequality, Equality, Agency, Architecture, Big data, Data, Computation, Network, Urbanism, Transportation, Complexity, Cybernetics, Future
- projectAmy Lesen, Catherine Russell, Bruce Sunpie Barnes, Scott Wing
Seminar: Clashing Temporalities
This seminar brings concepts of time, layers, and sediment into close contact with the human sciences, the arts, and Pierre Part, a community who live according to the movements of the River.
Case Study, Teaching, Time, Deep time, Adaptation, Agriculture, Biosphere, Evolution, Metabolism, Human-environment relations, Water, Waste, History, Sedimentation, Erosion
- projectKatrin Klingan, Christoph Rosol, Bernd M. Scherer, Peter K. Haff, Jürgen Renn, Bronislaw Szerszynski, John Tresch, Luciana Parisi, Louis Chude-Sokei, Esther Leslie, Kathryn Yusoff, Rosi Braidotti, Oscar Guardiola-Rivera, Lydia H. Liu, Alexander Ilichevsky
Technosphäre Publication
The German publication Technosphäre collects contributions thinking through the conditions and evolution of this new Earth system player. Included here are two selections from the book in English translation: the editorial introduction and a conversation between Peter K. Haff and Jürgen Renn.
Conversation, Mapping, Storytelling, Communicating, Adaptation, Calculation, Complexity, Computation, Critical materials, Deep time, Technosphere, Future, Disciplinarity, Knowledge infrastructure
- contributionDavid Kelly
Conundrums on Country
How can we forge novel ways of human-environment interactions? A field trip to Melbourne’s sustainability center CERES set out to explore this question.
Adaptation, Biodiversity, Ecology
- contributionLissette Olivares
Feral Technologies: Seminar Report
From David Lynch’s Blue Velvet to Berlin’s ruderal ecology: a video report.
Reflection, Human-animal relations, Human-environment relations, Adaptation
- projectcontinent., Adania Shibli, Bernard Geoghegan, Jamie Allen, Paul Boshears, Alice Cannava, Lionel Ruffel
Knowledge × Sharing
Communicating, Intervention, Reflection, Storytelling, Consensus, Education, Equality, Knowledge transformation, Wisdom, Adaptation, Care, Aesthetics
- projectJohn Tresch, Jeremy Bolen, Andrew Yang, Sasha Engelmann, Bronislaw Szerszynski, Alex Martinis Roe, Melanie Sehgal, Roman Brinzanik, Deborah Haaksman, Rebekka Ladewig, Hendrik Weber
Wisdom Techniques
The interlacing between knowledge and the technosphere has a very subtle yet decisive dimension: the collectively ingrained practices and routines that are the preconditions for adequately responding to the non-human dynamics of a world in transition. What are the regimes of sense training, ascetic modes of inquiry, and techniques of mental cultivation that let us learn and understand something? What might be needed to reshape and modify these in light of the predicament of the Anthropocene?
Communicating, Conversation, Intervention, Sensing, Storytelling, Teaching, Aerocene, Adaptation, Anthropos, Care, Consensus, Cosmologies, Disciplinarity, Embodiment, Habits, Knowledge production, Knowledge transformation, Scale, Scenario, Wisdom
- projectLawrence Abu Hamdan, Keith Breckenridge, Brian Holmes, Susan Schuppli, Melanie Gilligan
Truth Measures
Data, evidence, truth—these grades of the factual form an intricate reference system in which current social and juridical knowledge is established and maintained. How is factual knowledge constituted within and through the technosphere? The evening examines how the concept of legal truth and truth finding is bound to the technical production of certainty.
Conversation, Intervention, Reflection, Storytelling, Teaching, Adaptation, Complexity, Computation, Ethics, Governance, Knowledge infrastructure, Infrastructure, Representation, Model, Scale, Environmental Justice, Waste, Violence
- projectPeter L. Galison, Sander van der Leeuw, Claire Pentecost, Sebastian Vehlken
The Scenario Mode
The scenario has become a mode of knowledge of the first order. In fact, “running in scenario mode” seems to be the way in which contemporary existence, through the vision of this exploratory practice and tool, exemplifies learning and researching in and on the Anthropocene itself. This evening deals with the trans-methodical arrangement of scenario building and analysis and its specific formatting through institutional and media-based infrastructures.
Communicating, Film, Storytelling, Teaching, Engagement, Adaptation, Big data, Calculation, Complexity, Contingency, Computation, Deep time, Disaster, Governance, Games, Policy, Radioactivity, Scenario, Waste
- project
Technosphere × Knowledge
A new component of the Earth system is emerging today driven by the intertwining of natural environments with vast socio-technical forces and increasingly diverse technological species. Technosphere × Knowledge marked the launch of the Anthropocene Campus: The Technosphere Issue.
Consensus Building, Conversation, Engagement, Film, Reflection, Modeling, Teaching, Adaptation, Big data, Computation, Consensus, Disciplinarity, Education, Future, Engineering, Knowledge infrastructure, Infrastructure, Technosphere, Technoscience, Platform, Policy
- projectRana Dasgupta, S. Løchlann Jain, Clapperton C. Mavhunga, Matteo Pasquinelli, Lucy Suchman
Trauma: The Language of the Technosphere
How is the technosphere inscribed into individual human bodies? How are they restructured along a complex machinery of instruments, techniques, simulations?
Communicating, Engagement, Intervention, Monitoring, Storytelling, Teaching, Adaptation, Care, Anthropos, Anthropology, Cosmologies, Deep time, Embodiment, Education, Calculation, Future, Imaginary, Inequality, Settler Colonialism, Technosphere
- projectPeter K. Haff, Manfred Laubichler, Armin Reller, Jürgen Renn, Jan Zalasiewicz
Seminar: Co-evolution of the Technosphere
The biosphere has budded off a second global “sphere,” the technosphere, a technology-based system on which humans now depend—and which they find hard to control. Which tools are needed to ensure human survival in the technosphere?
Teaching, Experiment, Technosphere, Evolution, Adaptation, Knowledge transformation, Biosphere
- projectReinhold Leinfelder, Libby Robin, Helmuth Trischler
Seminar: Slow Media
Grasping the Anthropocene demands a sense of deceleration—we need “slow media” that by analogy with the slow food movement, engages with the complexities of a rapidly changing world by slowing down to the pace of a museum visit or engaging with physical or visual objects.
Teaching, Experiment, Media, Affect, Adaptation, Care, Time, slow media, slow violence
- projectHeather Davis, Judith Marlen Dobler, Sandra van der Hel, Johannes Lundershausen, Anna-Sophie Springer, Fabio Vladimir Sánchez-Calderón, Masahiro Terada, Alexandra Toland, Anne-Kathrin Winkler-Hanns
Plastic and Surrogacy
Plastic is one of the most ubiquitous materials of the contemporary moment. How do we deal with its effects on the health of both humans and animals?
Case Study, Affect, Technosphere, Adaptation
- contributionHeather Davis, Judith Marlen Dobler, Fabio Vladimir Sánchez-Calderón, Anna-Sophie Springer, Masahiro Terada, Alexandra Toland, Johannes Lundershausen, Sandra van der Hel, Anne-Kathrin Winkler-Hanns, Seth Denizen
Plastics and (In)Fertility
Plastic is a broad and rather deceptive name for a group of synthetic polymers that have become one of the most ubiquitous materials of the contem- porary moment. Composed of long chains of molecules, and derived from oil and natural gas, plastics are incredibly durable. They do not decompose and are predicted to last well beyond human biological time.
Case Study, Adaptation, Affect, Care
- contributionIsabell Schrickel
Adaptive Modeling
To avoid normative assumptions of the model builders being implemented into the models, Canadian ecologist Crawford S. Holling developed the concept of adaptive modeling.
Complexity, Biosphere, Model, Adaptation, Participatory governance