
Brian Holmes

Brian Holmes is an essayist, artist, and activist working on political ecology. Returning to the US after twenty years in Europe, he helped form the group Deep Time Chicago, which uses earth system science to explore the markers of global ecological change in local institutions and daily life. Holmes also collaborates with Casa Río in Argentina, lending his mapmaking skills to the larger network of Humedales sin fronteras (Wetlands without borders). His recent projects can be viewed at

Collaborative Practice on a Changing Planet  contributionExchange on the Half Life of the Nuclear Age  contributionHourglass River  Case StudyThe Current: Mississippi. An Anthropocene River  projectPlace and Space  contributionCheck My Pulse  contributionLandscapes of Confluence  contributionConfluence Ecologies Exhibition  contributionThe Watershed in Your Head  contributionCollaborative Map  projectInto the Breach  projectKick-off Anthropocene River Journey  projectBorn Secret  projectField Station 4: Confluence Ecologies  projectDeep Time Chicago Pamphlet Series  projectDeep Time Chicago Lectures  projectWalk About It  contributionMeet the Technosphere  contributionSeminar: Governing the Technosphere  projectTruth Measures  projectDriving the Golden Spike—The Aesthetics of Anthropocene Public Space  contribution