What are the limitations and change-making possibilities of communication in the Anthropocene? Communication promises intelligibility and the transfer of knowledge and information but is inevitably confined by the complexities of its surroundings and the dominant power structures that shaped them. On this shaky ground, many are acknowledging the fallacies and fallibility of communication in the Anthropocene era and exploring new standards and practices that acknowledge and work with this instability. Researcher-educator Nishant Shah and artist-organizer Felipe Castelblanco consider how when communication fails, we often turn to more communication to resolve the inadequacies of the practice, resulting in an endless loop that ultimately shapes how, where, and for whom knowledge transfers take effect. How, they ask, can communication enact the practice of its promise? And from the basis that how we communicate history has political and ethical importance, The Mont Pelerin Rewrite project intervenes in contemporary modes of governance by rethinking and rewriting operational texts, protocols, scripts, and algorithms. Their pathway calls into question the accepted narratives that define the world as we know it, proposing alternative models of coexistence and drawing attention to how some imaginaries are empowered and elevated, while others are dismissed as naive or irrational fantasies.