Method: Modeling
- project
Mediated Planet: Claiming Data for Environmental SDGs
A research project run by the KTH Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment from 2021-2025 exploring the global environment as emerging through environmental data.
Modeling, Case Study, Media, Human-environment relations, Policy, Ecology
- project
SPHERE. Study of the Planetary Human-Environment Relationship
The historical research project SPHERE focuses on one of the most comprehensive and complex governance issues in the contemporary world: humanity’s relation to planetary conditions and constraints.
Modeling, Monitoring, Human-environment relations, Ecology, Knowledge production, Complexity, Governance
- projectRavi Agarwal
Anthropocene Mumbai 2018–
Since 2018, the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, Mumbai, has focused on the key questions surrounding ecology.
Storytelling, Intervention, Engagement, Modeling, Conversation, Climate change, Ecology, Policy, Environmental Justice, Species, Human-environment relations
- projectKoki Tanaka, Jamie Allen, Paul Boshears, Nina Jäger, Lital Khaikin, Ravi Agarwal, Myung Ae Choi, Margarida Mendes, Claire Pentecost, Fernando Silva e Silva, Rebecca Snedeker, Nikiwe Solomon, Maria Chehonadskih, Francine M.G. McCarthy, Adania Shibli, Orit Halpern, Valentina Karga, Jahnavi Phalkey, Nishant Shah, John Kim, Simon Turner, Patricia Reed, Mark Williams, Mohammad Al Attar
Where is the Planetary? Day 3
The search for the coordinates, overlaps, convergences, and tensions that arise when myriad cosmologies converge around a common intent.
Communicating, Engagement, Experiment, Modeling, Storytelling, Cosmologies, Scale, Care
- projectKoki Tanaka, L. Sasha Gora, Shadreck Chirikure, Patricia Reed, Fernando Silva e Silva, Simon Turner, Mi You, Gary Zhexi Zhang, Jahnavi Phalkey, Nikiwe Solomon, Jenna Sutela, Mark Williams, Lisa Baraitser, Orit Halpern, Valentina Karga, Margarida Mendes, Nishant Shah, Maria Chehonadskih, John Kim, Francine M.G. McCarthy, Adania Shibli, Jamie Allen, Ravi Agarwal, Myung Ae Choi, Paul Boshears, Nina Jäger, Lital Khaikin, Claire Pentecost, Rebecca Snedeker, Mohammad Al Attar, Kai van Eikels
Where is the Planetary? Day 2
The search for a common planetary practice becomes tangible, as the five research questions are linked to a series of activities.
Communicating, Consensus Building, Engagement, Experiment, Modeling, Storytelling, Cosmologies, Care, Scale
- projectKoki Tanaka, Lisa Baraitser, L. Sasha Gora, Jan Zalasiewicz, Jahnavi Phalkey, Patricia Reed, Fernando Silva e Silva, Nikiwe Solomon, Jenna Sutela, Simon Turner, Mi You, Mark Williams, Gary Zhexi Zhang, Ravi Agarwal, Maria Chehonadskih, Myung Ae Choi, John Kim, Francine M.G. McCarthy, Claire Pentecost, Adania Shibli, Rebecca Snedeker, Jamie Allen, Paul Boshears, Nina Jäger, Lital Khaikin, Kai van Eikels
Where is the Planetary? Day 1
In an experimental setting designed by artist Koki Tanaka, scientists, scholars, and artists share various perspectives on planetary practice.
Communicating, Consensus Building, Engagement, Experiment, Modeling, Storytelling, Cosmologies, Scale, Care
- contributionFernando Silva e Silva, Alyne Costa, Jahnavi Phalkey, Lucio De Capitani, Emiliano Guaraldo, Sarah Lewison, Jacob Lindgren, Carlina Rossée, Jamie Allen, Jeremy Bolen, Brian Holmes
Collaborative Practice on a Changing Planet
In the fall of 2022, AC initiatives from around the world came together to envision a transformed future for the long-term collaboration of the network.
Communicating, Consensus Building, Conversation, Engagement, Experiment, Field Work, Mapping, Modeling, Intervention, Future, Consensus, Evolution, Extinction, Complexity, Topography, Knowledge infrastructure, Knowledge production, Local knowledge, Network
- contributionRavi Agarwal
Exhibition: New Natures
Part of State of Nature 2022, the exhibition New Natures: A Terrible Beauty is Born was a proposition to rethink the world as we know it today.
Storytelling, Engagement, Modeling, Ecology, Environmental Justice, Technosphere, Species, Human-environment relations, Climate change
- contributionFranz Mauelshagen
Historical Assessment of the “Anthropogenic” Factor
Starting from a review of the Orbis Spike hypothesis, this essay by the Anthropocene historian Franz Mauelshagen compares the early modern “Agrarian Acceleration” during the Little Ice Age with the material world of the twentieth century.
Modeling, Reflection, Agriculture, Agency, Human-environment relations, Metabolism, Model, History, Holocene
- contributionThe Mont Pelerin Rewrite
Rewriting Climate Politics
How are the relationships between state, market, natural environments, and citizens understood? And how does this create or foreclose political and ethical agency?
Communicating, Conversation, Engagement, Case Study, Intervention, Modeling, Governance, Participatory governance, History, Policy, Future, Climate change, Economy
- contributionAC Team
Going Part of the Way Together
A contribution collaboratively authored by members of the Anthropocene Curriculum team, that attempts to think dialogically “on curricula.”
Field Study, Storytelling, Mapping, Modeling, Engagement, Experiment, Conversation, Network, Complexity, Knowledge infrastructure, Knowledge production, Local knowledge, Scale, Consensus, Media
- project
Technosphere Magazine
Exploring the amorphous fabric of technologies, environments, and humans shaping Earth’s critical future.
Conversation, Engagement, Experiment, Film, Modeling, Reflection, Storytelling, Affect, Agency, Anthropos, Anthropology, Big data, Capitalism, Complexity, Critical materials, Economy, Extraction, Governance, Infrastructure, System, Human-environment relations
- contributionNikos Katsikis
The Mississippi Basin: An Operational Landscape
Architect and urbanist Nikos Katsikis describes the assemblage of “operational landscapes” that are tied to the Mississippi basin.
Mapping, Case Study, Modeling, Agriculture, Commodities, Infrastructure, Transportation, Urbanism
- contributionFlavio D’Abramo
Oysters, Selective Pressures, and Antibiotic Resistance in the Mississippi Delta
In addition to its position as a pillar of New Orleans cuisine, the humble oyster has also taken on another, more troubling role—serving as an indicator of water contamination in the Mississippi River Delta and the Lousiana Gulf.
Case Study, Modeling, Field Work, Biosphere, Water, Pollution, Species
- Field Noteryan.griffis
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Modeling, Mapping, Reflection, Experiment, Conversation, Adaptation, Aesthetics, Affect, Agency, Architecture, Care, Climate change, Contingency, Ecology, Future, Imaginary, Infrastructure, Landscape, Representation
- contributionWilliam Taylor, Brandi Bethke, Sarah Trabert, Patrick Roberts, Nicole Boivin
Understanding Social and Ecological Impacts of the Horse in the Greater Mississippi
The initiators of the Horses, Donkeys, and the Anthropocene in the Greater Mississippi project provide an update on their findings.
Field Study, Mapping, Modeling, Ecology, Human-animal relations, Species, History
- Field Noteunderhil
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Field Study, Modeling, Geo-engineering, Imaginary, Landscape, Model, Scale, Overlook, Cement, Confluence
- Field Notetturnbull
Carbondale, Illinois, USA
- contributionSteve Gough, Anna Durrett
Little River Research & Design
The models produced by Little River Research & Design convey an acutely material consciousness of the relentless processes of change that shape the Mississippi River.
Modeling, Mapping, Engagement, Model, Education, Sedimentation, Water
- Field Noteunderhil
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Modeling, Field Work, Monitoring, Settler Colonialism, Overburden, Substances, Colonialism
- Field Noteunderhil
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Sensing, Field Study, Modeling, Local knowledge, Indigenous Rights, Cosmologies, River journey, Dakota
- projectAnthropocene Working Group
AWG Mississippi Essays
Essays from members of the AWG and other researchers discussing some of the crucial aspects that make the Mississippi River an icon of global Anthropocene transformations.
Monitoring, Case Study, Field Work, Experiment, Mapping, Modeling, Biosphere, Carbon, Ecology, Water, Holocene, Stratigraphy
- contributionHuiying Ng
Soil’s Metabolic Rift: Metabolizing Hope, Interrupting the Medium
What can we learn about care and processing emotions from soil cultivation?
Modeling, Reflection, Technosphere, Metabolism, Geo-engineering, Life
- contributionTechnosphere Editorial
Dancing (the) Technosphere
Tokyo University researchers demonstrate the explicit interfaces between the human somatic niche and the technosphere.
Modeling, Sensing, Experiment, Technosphere, Anthropos, Technoscience, Perception
- contributionOlivier Hamant
Biology is resilient because it is suboptimal at all scales. The technosphere, however, seems to take the route of increased optimization. Are we doomed?
Reflection, Monitoring, Modeling, Biosphere, Computation, Contingency, Big data, System
- projectBernard Geoghegan, Stéphane Grumbach, Orit Halpern, Olivier Hamant, Robert Mitchell, Mark Hansen, Erich Hörl
Seminar: Algorithmic Intermediation and Smartness
What forms of futurity, speculation, and life do algorithmic intermediations produce? To explore this it seems expedient to focus on “smartness,” a term legitimating—as in the “smart home”—the increased introduction of computation in social life.
Experiment, Teaching, Conversation, Modeling, Monitoring, Sensing, Case Study, Complexity, Computation, Big data, Technosphere, Technoscience, System, Data, Governance, Sharing economy
- project
Technosphere × Knowledge
A new component of the Earth system is emerging today driven by the intertwining of natural environments with vast socio-technical forces and increasingly diverse technological species. Technosphere × Knowledge marked the launch of the Anthropocene Campus: The Technosphere Issue.
Consensus Building, Conversation, Engagement, Film, Reflection, Modeling, Teaching, Adaptation, Big data, Computation, Consensus, Disciplinarity, Education, Future, Engineering, Knowledge infrastructure, Infrastructure, Technosphere, Technoscience, Platform, Policy
- projectPeter K. Haff, Mark Hansen, Jürgen Renn, Erich Hörl, Birgit Schneider
Triggers: Introducing the Technosphere
What triggered the technosphere? This lightning-round presents a visual and aural panorama of events that catalyzed the rise of our contemporary technical worlds.
Communicating, Consensus Building, Intervention, Storytelling, Teaching, Modeling, History, Technosphere, Anthropos, Carbon, Agriculture, Capitalism, Climate change, Critical materials, Cybernetics, Data, Settler Colonialism, Disaster, Contingency, Extraction, Pollution, Network
- project
The Technosphere, Now
How did we end up in this world of technological vertigo? This dilemma was the main theme of The Technosphere, Now, a showcase held on October 2, 2015.
Communicating, Conversation, Engagement, Intervention, Storytelling, Teaching, Modeling, Reflection, Agency, Agriculture, Calculation, Complexity, Contingency, Critical materials, Embodiment, Extraction, Future, Technosphere, History, Imaginary
- projectMiriam Diamond, Paul N. Edwards, Pablo Jensen, Chris Strashok, Thilo Wiertz
Seminar: Modeling Wicked Problems
Applying transdisciplinary systems models to problems such as climate change or global food supply gives us useful heuristics, while forcing us to think about complexity and witness nonlinear and counterintuitive outcomes.
Teaching, Experiment, Modeling, Complexity, System, Epistemology, Biodiversity, Climate change, Model
- contributionChris Strashok
Global Systems Simulator (GSS)
GSS is a sophisticated integrated assessment model designed to explore avenues toward achieving sustainability. Can such models provoke useful thinking about the interaction of social and natural systems?
Modeling, Engagement, Model, Complexity, Human-environment relations