
Technosphäre Publication

The German publication Technosphäre is the final outcome of the Technosphere project 2015–2019. The volume collects contributions thinking through the conditions and evolution of this new Earth system player. Included below are two selections from the book in English translation: the editorial introduction and the opening conversation between Peter K. Haff and Jürgen Renn.

What happens when technologies and techniques take the planetary stage? Over the course of the twentieth century, a new component of the global system established itself: the technosphere, comparable in its effects and function with the biosphere or the hydrosphere. The concurrence of natural environments with technical infrastructures and the almost uncontrollable evolutionary dynamics of growing “technological biodiversity” raise new questions about the origins and operation of technical omnipresence: How do the edges of what life is shift? What autonomies does technology possess? What latitudes are opened or closed with the new world order?


Editors: Katrin Klingan and Christoph Rosol
Publication Year: 2019
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz Berlin
Pages: 250
Purchase: Matthes & Seitz Web Shop
ISBN: 978-3-95757-415-2

Table of Contents

Vorwort [Preface]
Bernd Scherer

Technische Allgegenwart – ein Projekt [The Omnipresence of the Technological – A Project Review]
Katrin Klingan und Christoph Rosol

›Was Menschen wollen‹, ist keine Richtschnur dafür, wie die Welt tatsächlich funktioniert [“What people want” is not a guide to how the world actually works]
Peter K. Haff im Gespräch mit Jürgen Renn

Vom Werkzeug zur Technosphäre [From tool to technosphere]
Bronislaw Szerszynski

Nuklearer Kolonialismus, tief in den Knochen steckend [Nuclear colonialism, deep in the bones]
Kathryn Yusoff

Anthropotechniken für das Anthropozän [Anthropotechnologies for the Anthropocene]
John Tresch

Disorganische Techne [Disorganic Techne]
Luciana Parisi

Zoe/Geo/Techno-Materialismus [Zoe/Geo/Techno-Materialism]
Rosi Braidotti

»Rasse« und Technosphäre – ein Abgleich [“Race” and the technosphere – a comparison]
Louis Chude-Sokei

Flüssige und kristalline Intelligenz in einer Epoche der Trübungen [Liquid and crystalline intelligence in an era of turbidity]
Esther Leslie

Space Is the Place: Perspektive, Daten, Eigentum – und magische Technologie [Space Is the Place: Perspective, data, ownership – and magical technology]
Oscar Guardiola-Rivera

Das Digitale in der psychischen Maschine [The digital in the psychic machine]
Lydia H. Liu

Christoph Rosol

Coda: Erdöl, Lüge und Archaismus vs. Glaube, Imagination und Modernität [Coda: Oil, lies, and archaism vs. faith, imagination, and modernity]
Alexander Ilitschewski

The Omnipresence of the Technological – A Project Review
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Katrin Klingan and Christoph Rosol, “The Omnipresence of the Technological – A Project Review,” Technosphäre, 2019.

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“What people want” is not a guide to how the world actually works: Peter K. Haff in conversation with Jürgen Renn
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Peter K. Haff in conversation with Jürgen Renn, ”‘What people want‘ is not a guide to how the world actually works,” Technosphäre, 2019.

Download (18 Pages)