Keyword: System
- event
Clashing Presents
Exploring the competing time horizons, latency effects and accelerations that run counter to the pulse of late-Holocene societies.
Conversation, Extinction, Deep time, Time, Holocene, System, Biosphere, Stratigraphy, Governance
- contributionBenjamin Johnson
Closed Chemical Cycles
It’s possible that the most suitable golden spike for marking the beginning of the Anthropocene does not yet exist.
Reflection, Carbon, Energy, Deep time, Economy, Engineering, Future, Governance, System
- contributionJürgen Renn, Nathaniel LaCelle-Peterson
Traces and Symptoms
What kind of sign is a marker? Jürgen Renn and Nathaniel LaCelle-Peterson sketch the dual role of markers as traces in the strata and symptoms of a destabilized Earth System—an interface between natural archives and human societies.
Reflection, Deep time, Consensus, Epistemology, Disciplinarity, Knowledge transformation, Stratigraphy, System
- contributionChristoph Rosol
When the Signal Disappears in the Noise
Christoph Rosol reflects on the disturbing schism between geoscientific insights and the info-capitalist modus operandi diluting these insights to mere noise. Are we ready to comprehend what the Earth has already recorded?
Reflection, Capitalism, Consensus, Epistemology, Future, Sedimentation, Stratigraphy, Technoscience, System
- contributionGiulia Rispoli
The Moment We Visualized the Anthropocene
Storytelling, Contingency, Disaster, Model, Governance, Policy, Imaginary, Radioactivity, System
- contributionStéphane Grumbach, Olivier Hamant, Ela Spalding, Orit Halpern, Karolina Sobecka, Sandi Hilal, Johannes Bruder
Between Spaces, between Lines
Some of the most interesting work on the Anthropocene takes place in between places, in between disciplines, and even in between the lines.
Experiment, Case Study, Migration, Climate change, System, Ecology, Economy
- contributionChristina Gruber, Lynn Peemoeller, Nikiwe Solomon, Adrian Van Wyk
Approaching a Waterway
Artists discuss sturgeons pushed to the edge of extinction and the future of a chemically polluted river near Cape Town.
Conversation, Case Study, Species, Water, Extinction, System, Ecology
- project
Technosphere Magazine
Exploring the amorphous fabric of technologies, environments, and humans shaping Earth’s critical future.
Conversation, Engagement, Experiment, Film, Modeling, Reflection, Storytelling, Affect, Agency, Anthropos, Anthropology, Big data, Capitalism, Complexity, Critical materials, Economy, Extraction, Governance, Infrastructure, System, Human-environment relations
- contributionTemporary continent., Jamie Allen
Faith, Family, Farming
Tracing the role folklore has played—and continues to play—in the quantification and gridification of American landscapes, and the harvesting of worth of all kinds
Field Work, Storytelling, Conversation, Agriculture, Capitalism, History, System
- project
Mississippi. An Anthropocene River 2018–19
Mississippi. An Anthropocene River aims to make the Mississippi River Basin legible as a zone of ecological, historical, and social interaction between humans and the environment using novel forms of exchange, research, collaboration, and pedagogy.
Experiment, Field Study, Field Work, Mapping, Sensing, Storytelling, Teaching, Agriculture, Capitalism, Climate change, Commodities, Complexity, Disaster, Energy, Disciplinarity, Embodiment, Engineering, Flood, History, Human-environment relations, Infrastructure, Local knowledge, System, Transportation, Urbanism, Waste
- contributionCarolyn Steel
Sitopia: The Power of Thinking Through Food
Architect and food thinker Carolyn Steel provides a powerful prompt for us to move beyond the perils of the modern industrial food complex.
Engagement, Reflection, Urbanism, System, Future
- contributionGiulia Rispoli, Jacques Grinevald
Vladimir Vernadsky and the Co-evolution of the Biosphere, the Noosphere, and the Technosphere
How does the current notion of “spheres” infiltrate thinking about the bio-techno-sphere, which today seems the best descriptive model for our own habitat?
Case Study, Reflection, Mapping, Biosphere, Technosphere, History, Cosmologies, System
- projectOrit Halpern, Anna Echterhölter, Sophia Roosth, Gerald Nestler, Johnny Golding, Alexander R. Galloway, Julian Oliver, Morehshin Allahyari, Sarah Sharma, Thomas Feuerstein, Marie-Luise Angerer, Elie Ayache, Felix Stalder, Ubermorgen
The unleashing of the technosphere is, above all, the result of activating and operating numerous tiny switches. With the unfolding of information theory, cybernetics, and the microscopic power of the point-contact transistor, the year 1948 represents the material and theoretical starting point for a universal language of 0s and 1s. Contributions from theory and art oscillate between diagnostic and speculative accounts of the bit’s role in our present.
Conversation, Engagement, Intervention, Storytelling, Teaching, Agency, Big data, Computation, Governance, Infrastructure, Knowledge transformation, Model, Network, Cybernetics, Technosphere, Technoscience, System
- contributionGerald Nestler
A-Symmetry—Algorithmic Finance and the Dark Side of the Efficient Market
Starting from the Flash Crash of 2010, artist and theorist Gerald Nestler investigates the problem of information asymmetries in high-frequency trading.
Engagement, Capitalism, System
- contributionGabrielle Hecht, Paul N. Edwards
Taking on the Technosphere: A Kitchen Debate
“Now you’re sounding even weirder than Peter Haff.” The gloves are off! A lively dispute about the usefulness of the Technosphere concept in general.
Conversation, Energy, Metabolism, Technoscience, Technosphere, System, Autonomy
- contributionSvenja Schüffler
KAIROS Earthquake Early Warning Application
An algorithmic intermediation between the next mega-earthquake and you: instructions for turning risk into facing up to your danger.
Case Study, Engagement, Intervention, Computation, Complexity, System, Disaster, Big data, Care, Seismic
- contributionOlivier Hamant
Biology is resilient because it is suboptimal at all scales. The technosphere, however, seems to take the route of increased optimization. Are we doomed?
Reflection, Monitoring, Modeling, Biosphere, Computation, Contingency, Big data, System
- contributionBernard Geoghegan, Stéphane Grumbach, Orit Halpern, Olivier Hamant, Robert Mitchell, Erich Hörl, Mark Hansen
Seminar Reflections: Algorithmic Intermediation and Smartness
Reflection, Complexity, Computation, Governance, Big data, System
- contributionBrian Holmes, Karin Knorr-Cetina, Claire Pentecost, Ryan Griffis, Beate Geissler, Oliver Sann
Meet the Technosphere
How can we grasp the immense physical and temporal dimensions of the technosphere and why should we isolate the human agency within it? An argument for taking a metropolitan perspective.
Engagement, Reflection, Storytelling, Governance, Economy, Urbanism, Technosphere, System, Scale, Great Acceleration
- projectBernard Geoghegan, Stéphane Grumbach, Orit Halpern, Olivier Hamant, Robert Mitchell, Mark Hansen, Erich Hörl
Seminar: Algorithmic Intermediation and Smartness
What forms of futurity, speculation, and life do algorithmic intermediations produce? To explore this it seems expedient to focus on “smartness,” a term legitimating—as in the “smart home”—the increased introduction of computation in social life.
Experiment, Teaching, Conversation, Modeling, Monitoring, Sensing, Case Study, Complexity, Computation, Big data, Technosphere, Technoscience, System, Data, Governance, Sharing economy
- contributionKarin Knorr-Cetina
Financial Markets and the Technospheres they constitute
When the ticker was replaced by the monitor. A lecture on the information architecture of the global financial market.
Case Study, Reflection, Economy, Agency, System, Data, Epistemology
- projectBrian Holmes, Beate Geissler, Oliver Sann, Karin Knorr-Cetina, Claire Pentecost, Ryan Griffis
Seminar: Governing the Technosphere
How is the Technosphere governed? And how could it be governed otherwise? One way to tackle these issues is by looking at cybernetic finance—showing how a complex system can be overtaken by an excess of self-reference.
Teaching, Conversation, Case Study, Governance, Urbanism, Human-environment relations, System, Technosphere, Economy, Agency, Capitalism
- projectMiriam Diamond, Paul N. Edwards, Pablo Jensen, Chris Strashok, Thilo Wiertz
Seminar: Modeling Wicked Problems
Applying transdisciplinary systems models to problems such as climate change or global food supply gives us useful heuristics, while forcing us to think about complexity and witness nonlinear and counterintuitive outcomes.
Teaching, Experiment, Modeling, Complexity, System, Epistemology, Biodiversity, Climate change, Model
- contributionMiriam Diamond
Systems Analysis and Modeling
How can systems thinking help us in the analysis of a wicked problem?
Experiment, Model, System
- contributionPaul N. Edwards
Wicked Problems and Mental Models
Notes on wicked problems and complexity.
Complexity, Model, System