Anthropocene Campus 2014
The Anthropocene Issue
What does earthbound knowledge consist of? Which ways of communicating knowledge are appropriate? What does it mean to question the borders between institutionalized disciplines, or even to renegotiate them entirely? From the “geo-political” interactions between desertification and armed conflict, across the mediatization of the Anthropocene, to the resource dependence of an urban system or phenomena of local climate change, using the example of Berlin: by way of concrete case studies, international researchers and university teachers presented an Anthropocene Curriculum developed in transdisciplinary collaboration. At Anthropocene Campus 2014, this curriculum was simultaneously tested and further developed. In November 2014, over one hundred international researchers from the sciences, humanities, and the arts, as well as actors from outside academia engaged in this experiment, contributing their own perspective and expertise.
- projectElena Bougleux, Arno Brandlhuber, Erle C. Ellis, Tobias Hönig, Natalie Jeremijenko
Seminar: Anthropogenic Landscapes
Anthropogenic Landscapes ground us in the Anthropocene. They connect us with the land and the ecologies we shape, inhabit, and make use of, as they stress how intimately we are creating the planet that is recursively creating us. A fieldtrip to the former VEB Elektrokohle (People’s Enterprise Electro-coal) in Berlin-Lichtenberg helped us to observe, study, and reshape the shift from the larger context down to the local.
Human-environment relations, Time, Landscape, Urbanism
- projectPeter K. Haff, Manfred Laubichler, Armin Reller, Jürgen Renn, Jan Zalasiewicz
Seminar: Co-evolution of the Technosphere
The biosphere has budded off a second global “sphere,” the technosphere, a technology-based system on which humans now depend—and which they find hard to control. Which tools are needed to ensure human survival in the technosphere?
Teaching, Experiment, Technosphere, Evolution, Adaptation, Knowledge transformation, Biosphere
- projectMark Lawrence, Janot Mendler de Suarez, Bronislaw Szerszynski, Thilo Wiertz
Seminar: Disciplinarities
The blurring of distinctions between Earth processes and human history requires us to be “transdisciplinary” and sometimes even “undisciplinary” – in order to combine the knowledge base and research capacities of a wide variety of stakeholders.
Teaching, Experiment, Epistemology, Knowledge production, Knowledge infrastructure, Knowledge transformation, Local knowledge, Disciplinarity
- projectMarco Armiero, Amita Baviskar, Will Steffen
Seminar: Filtering the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene lens acts as a “filter”: it emphasizes some elements of the socio-ecological spectrum even as it screens out certain others. But how exactly does the idea of the Anthropocene shape understandings and actions about human‒environmental relations? An awareness of these filters is essential for acting ethically and effectively in response to the challenges confronting us.
Human-environment relations, Equality
- projectNabil Ahmed, Adrian Lahoud, Godofredo Pereira, Eyal Weizman
Seminar: Geo-Politics
Political and military conflict and their environmental conditions seem to occupy opposite ends of the epistemic spectrum. We need to develop operative concepts able to work across this divide, establishing “field causalities,” a framework that allows us to connect individuals, environments, and artifices.
Field Work, Human-environment relations, Violence
- projectWolfgang Lucht, Philipp Oswalt, Bronislaw Szerszynski, Sverker Sörlin
Seminar: Imaging the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene remains peculiarly flat and colorless when it comes to concrete images, which are lacking cultural nuance and historical depth. New imaginaries and imaginations are needed to engage with alternative futures of infrastructure and anthropogenically altered landscapes.
Teaching, Experiment, Aesthetics, Epistemology, History, Future, Imaginary, image
- projectMiriam Diamond, Paul N. Edwards, Pablo Jensen, Chris Strashok, Thilo Wiertz
Seminar: Modeling Wicked Problems
Applying transdisciplinary systems models to problems such as climate change or global food supply gives us useful heuristics, while forcing us to think about complexity and witness nonlinear and counterintuitive outcomes.
Teaching, Experiment, Modeling, Complexity, System, Epistemology, Biodiversity, Climate change, Model
- projectReinhold Leinfelder, Libby Robin, Helmuth Trischler
Seminar: Slow Media
Grasping the Anthropocene demands a sense of deceleration—we need “slow media” that by analogy with the slow food movement, engages with the complexities of a rapidly changing world by slowing down to the pace of a museum visit or engaging with physical or visual objects.
Teaching, Experiment, Media, Affect, Adaptation, Care, Time, slow media, slow violence
- projectGesa Geißler, Sabine Höhler, Natalie Jeremijenko, Adrian Lahoud, Herbert Lohner, Ioan Negrutiu, Jean-Louis Weber
Seminar: Valuing Nature
The overexploitation of natural capital will lead to profound and unanticipated social and environmental changes, if we do not learn to “value nature”. But is the equivalence of natural and financial capital adequate? How can we identify the threshold between what can and cannot be subjected to market rules?
Naturecultures, Economy, Extraction