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Seminar: Slow Media

The Imaginary Museum of Listening to the Anthropocene

Grasping the Anthropocene demands a sense of deceleration—we need “slow media” that by analogy with the slow food movement, engages with the complexities of a rapidly changing world by slowing down to the pace of a museum visit or engaging with physical or visual objects. One such way is to focus on the development of an imaginary museum, whose galleries open up vistas for everyone seeking alternate ways to educate students and think about global change.

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  • Illustration by Benedikt Rugar


How can we attend to violence that is too slow to see? And to events that are too slow to become instant media? How can we arrive at a longer historical perspective, a longer now? Libby Robin and Helmuth Trischler discuss the museum as a dialogical space for developing critical listening skills for the Anthropocene.

November 14-22, 2014


Anna Åberg

Hugo Ricardo Noronha de Almeida

Artur van Balen

Stephan Barthel

Ally Bisshop

Zachary Caple

Søren Dahlgaard

Judith Marlen Dobler

Fran Gallardo

Florian Goldmann

Paz Guevara

Olivier Hamant

Ellen Irons

Michael Jakob

Jens Kirstein

Maya Kóvskaya

Gregor Lax

Dariya Manova

John Moran

Marta Niepytalska

Andrea Pavoni

Susanne Quehenberger

Maria Isabel Pérez Ramos

Hugo Reinert

Walmeri Kellen Ribeiro

Julian Schubert

Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir

Anna Lillie Svensson

Masahiro Terada

Yesenia Thibault-Picazo

Alexandra Toland

Anne-Kathrin Winkler-Hanns

Josh Wodak