The Anthropocene Curriculum was initiated to develop experimental and experiential approaches to knowledge formation in a rapidly changing planetary situation.
The 2013–22 Anthropocene Curriculum archive is hosted here while the global network of initiatives continues as the decentralized Anthropocene Commons.
Rogue Elements of the Upper Mississippi
A series of flash nonfiction pieces chronicling some of the rogue elements encountered during the Anthropocene River Journey.
Field Work, Sensing, Reflection, Ecology, Infrastructure, Landscape, Human-environment relations, Water
Building and Forgetting
Does habitability today requires not the building up of more knowledge, but rather the relinquishing, forgetting, or disinheriting of knowledge?
Reflection, Architecture, Complexity, Imaginary, Spatial
Donaldsonville, Louisiana, USA
Storytelling, Disaster, Imaginary, Car
Environmental Sensing
Margarida Mendes considers the relationships between the body, environment, and industry, and speculates on the sonic residue of toxicity in Mississippi’s petrochemical corridor.
Sensing, Toxicity, Water, Pollution, Ecology, Sound
Earth Indices
A project by artists Giulia Bruno and Armin Linke explores the scientific and social conditions producing the new geological epoch, the Anthropocene.
Intervention, Field Work, Conversation, Data, Holocene, Media, Sedimentation, Stratigraphy, Landscape
From Plantations to Petrochemicals
What can the history of slavery tell us about the future of the Anthropocene?
Field Study, History, Commodities, Economy, Capitalism, Degradation, Agriculture, Energy, Pollution
© HKW, 2022, all rights reserved
An Earth Being Platform
Macarena Gómez-Barris immerses herself in Earth’s archive of wreckage as a way of exploring what accountability might look like in the present.
Reflection, Communicating, Extraction, Settler Colonialism, Care, Capitalism, Violence
The Skeletal Remains of the Nuclear Anthropocene
Comparing the approaches to radioactive fallout in the US and USSR, Kate Brown retraces the ways in which radio biologists and ecologists assessed and contorted radioactive contamination to study the resilience of ecosystems and human bodies.
Case Study, Disaster, Radioactivity, Ecology, Waste, Environmental Justice, Degradation
Seminar: Claims/Property
This seminar engages the complicated entanglements of property claims that cut across the social, racial, and ecological landscapes of the Mississippi Delta, as they pertain to the Anthropocene.
Case Study, Teaching, Agency, History, Local knowledge, Agriculture, Commodities, Capitalism, Violence, Race, Settler Colonialism, Environmental Justice
Moths, Flames, and Other Attractions
L. Sasha Gora takes a moth-eaten dress as a starting point for a meditation on eating and care.
Storytelling, Sensing, Care, Human-animal relations, Scale
Seminar: Clashing Temporalities
This seminar brings concepts of time, layers, and sediment into close contact with the human sciences, the arts, and Pierre Part, a community who live according to the movements of the River.
Case Study, Teaching, Time, Deep time, Adaptation, Agriculture, Biosphere, Evolution, Metabolism, Human-environment relations, Water, Waste, History, Sedimentation, Erosion
A Drift
Matthew C. Wilson traverses ancient prehistory to speculative futures, meditating on the chancy throughlines that make up the world as we know it.
Storytelling, Reflection, Engagement, Mapping, Evolution, History, Future, Speculative, Life, Species
Building and Forgetting
Does habitability today requires not the building up of more knowledge, but rather the relinquishing, forgetting, or disinheriting of knowledge?
Reflection, Architecture, Complexity, Imaginary, Spatial
Cosmic Conversations
The Cosmic Conversations project brings together researchers from across disciplines to discuss ecological, artistic, political, and philosophical issues related to Anthropocene research.
Conversation, Engagement, Reflection, Ecology, Anthropos, Complexity, Knowledge production, Epistemology
Wars of Armageddon
What does it mean to live in a city already deemed “unsavable” and why is the contemporary art made in Miami that deals directly with climate change often so innocuous?
Case Study, Reflection, Aesthetics, Adaptation, Capitalism, Climate change, Disaster, Flood
Incarnate Witnesses
A reflection on the contemporary conflicts in Myanmar and Ukraine, offering three perspectives on the trauma of war and possibilities for repair.
Conversation, Engagement, Film, Reflection, Agency, Care, Embodiment, Ethics, Violence, Affect
Repair Is Broken
Louise Carver examines what is broken about neoliberal capitalist modes of repair in the context of the Anthropocene.
Engagement, Field Work, Care, Carbon, Climate change, Capitalism
Relational Repair
A conversation about repair, drawing on experiences from East Germany and South Africa.
Conversation, Field Work, Engagement, Agency, Care, Complexity, Ethics, Race, Policy
Press Material GSSP Candidate Site Announcement
Press material on the AWG, Crawford Lake, as well as the collaboration between the AWG, HKW and MPIWG.
Consensus Building, Engagement, Sensing, Field Work, Conversation, Knowledge production, Stratigraphy, Media
Core Readings: Crawford Lake
How do different forms of societal organization and land use over the centuries affect the environment on local and planetary levels?
Consensus Building, Conversation, Engagement, Field Work, Life, History, Human-environment relations, Landscape, Scale, Settler Colonialism, Knowledge production
Exchange on Geo-Inheritance
What alliances and common questions can help to work toward a science of partnerships, especially in processes that include more-than-human entities?
Conversation, Engagement, Knowledge production, Education, Complexity, History
Anthropocene Working Group 2009 –
The Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) is an interdisciplinary geoscience research group dedicated to the investigation of the chronostratigraphic reality of the Anthropocene. The AWG was established in 2009 by the Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy (SQS), a component body of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), the committee that oversees the standards and requirements for the ongoing review and further completion of the geologic time scale.
Defining a New Earth Epoch
The geological time scale and the work of the Anthropocene Working Group.
Conversation with Jan Zalasiewicz
A conversation with Jan Zalasiewicz on the geological Anthropocene research.
Conversation, Stratigraphy, Holocene, Technosphere
Evidence & Experiment, Berlin 2022
Through a close reading and contextualization of material evidence of planetary upheaval, the yearlong program Evidence & Experiment gathers material testimonies of the Anthropocene stratum.
Unearthing the Present
What is the new geological epoch made of? Unearthing the Present connected the geological analysis of the present with a discussion of the changing scope for social and political agency.
Conversation, Case Study, Field Work, Experiment, Monitoring, Agency, Anthropos, Biosphere, Carbon, Climate change, Data, Deep time, Extraction, Ocean, Radioactivity, Sedimentation, Stratigraphy
Where is the Planetary?
Where is the Planetary? is a collective search for models of living together on Earth.
Experiment, Engagement, Scale, Care, Ethics, Cosmologies
Earth Indices
An in progress digital publication resulting from the artistic installation presented at HKW by Giulia Bruno and Armin Linke with the scientists of the AWG.
Archiving, Conversation, Field Work, Engagement, Experiment, Data, Stratigraphy, Deep time, Holocene
Collaborative Practice on a Changing Planet
In the fall of 2022, AC initiatives from around the world came together to envision a transformed future for the long-term collaboration of the network.
Communicating, Consensus Building, Conversation, Engagement, Experiment, Field Work, Mapping, Modeling, Intervention, Future, Consensus, Evolution, Extinction, Complexity, Topography, Knowledge infrastructure, Knowledge production, Local knowledge, Network