Keyword: Time
- contributionJamie Allen, Irka Hajdas
Exchange On Deep Time And Deep Responseability
How do the geochronologists and geohistorians understand their response-ability to material signals from the past?
Conversation, Reflection, Stratigraphy, Time, Deep time, Agency
- contributionVictor Galaz, Cymene Howe, Liz Thomas, Ricarda Winkelmann
Clashing Presents: Between Big Melt and Small Governance
Which temporal immediacies and horizons do new forms of collectives, connected through a rising global ocean, need to coalesce?
Conversation, Reflection, Consensus, Stratigraphy, Deep time, Time, Policy
- contributionOrit Halpern, Stephen Himson, Sophia Roosth, Mark Williams, Matthew C. Wilson
Clashing Presents: Memory and Oblivion in Times of Extinction
Exploring the accelerating processes and cumulative events of species extinction by examining biotic changes in the sediments of the San Francisco Bay.
Conversation, Reflection, Extinction, Species, Deep time, Time, Biodiversity
- contributionBernadette Bensaude-Vincent, Andrea Borsato, Ann Cotten, Nigel Clark, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
Clashing Presents: Reconciling Presents
A conversation that takes the stratigraphic research in Ernesto Cave, Italy, as a starting point for exploring how we might conceive a truly planetary time.
Conversation, Reflection, Stratigraphy, Time, Deep time, Water, Data
- event
Clashing Presents
Exploring the competing time horizons, latency effects and accelerations that run counter to the pulse of late-Holocene societies.
Conversation, Extinction, Deep time, Time, Holocene, System, Biosphere, Stratigraphy, Governance
- contributionShannon Mattern
Archival Phase Shifts
What might an “Anthropocene archive” look like? Media anthropologist Shannon Mattern proposes that it should embrace its ever evolving content, structure and context.
Archiving, Mapping, Water, Climate change, Time, Flood, Landscape, Knowledge infrastructure, Toxicity, Capitalism
- contributionThomas Turnbull
Driving the Limits of Time
How acknowledging and engaging with complex temporal clashes can generate coherent responses to the seemingly totalizing notion of the Anthropocene.
Reflection, Conversation, Engagement, Field Work, Deep time, History, Human-environment relations, Slavery, Carbon, Time
- contributionClaire Pentecost
A Singularity of Time and Place
A contemplation on time and space by Claire Pentecost.
Reflection, Field Work, Aesthetics, Time
- contributionSadie Luetmer
Seminar Film: Exhaustion and Imagination
This short film offers insights into the perspectives and methods of the seminar on “Exhaustion and Imagination,” which took place within the framework of the Anthropocene River Campus, 2019.
Field Work, Imaginary, Time, Degradation, Environmental Justice
- contributionColin Waters
The Mississippi River Provides Insights into the World of More than 300 Million Years Ago
“Some 300 billion metric tons of coal has been mined globally during the Anthropocene.” An excursion into the orginis of coal by geologist Colin Waters
Scale, Deep time, Time, Spatial, Mining, Carbon
- contributionJan Zalasiewicz, Colin Waters, Mark Williams, Catherine Russell
The Four-Dimensional Mississippi
How did the Mississippi River become both cause and register of anthropocenic changes and what do these changes reveal about the Mississippi’s future?
Reflection, Deep time, Time, History, Topology, Sedimentation, Water, Climate change
- projectMonica Moses Haller, Monique Verdin, Matt Rahaim, Adam Crosson, Kristine L. DeLong, Matt Sakakeeny, Simon Turner, Joshua Lewis, Albertine Kimble
Seminar: Exhaustion and Imagination
Focusing on the limits—and opportunities—exhaustion engenders, in this seminar the difficulties of being out of energy and out of ideas will be related to the challenges posed by the Anthropocene.
Case Study, Teaching, Future, Imaginary, Time, Degradation, Affect, Ethics, Epistemology, Engagement, Extinction, Environmental Justice, Species, Speculative
- projectAmy Lesen, Catherine Russell, Bruce Sunpie Barnes, Scott Wing
Seminar: Clashing Temporalities
This seminar brings concepts of time, layers, and sediment into close contact with the human sciences, the arts, and Pierre Part, a community who live according to the movements of the River.
Case Study, Teaching, Time, Deep time, Adaptation, Agriculture, Biosphere, Evolution, Metabolism, Human-environment relations, Water, Waste, History, Sedimentation, Erosion
- projectJennifer Colten, Jesse Vogler
Significant and Insignificant Mounds
Significant and Insignificant Mounds looks to read two landscapes across one another in order to complicate our understandings of authenticity, meaning, and form.
Case Study, Storytelling, Reflection, Deep time, History, Time, Anthropology, Landscape, Urbanism, Epistemology, Knowledge transformation, Knowledge infrastructure
- projectJennifer Colten, Matthew Fluharty, Derek Hoeferlin, Gavin Kroeber, James McAnally, Lynn Peemoeller, Treasure Shields Redmond, Jesse Vogler, Natalie Mueller
Field Station 3: Anthropocene Vernacular
In the St. Louis region, memories and meanings of millennia of settlement collide. Anthropocene Vernacular investigates how everyday culture has been cultivated in the midst of social, environmental, economic crises.
Field Study, Field Work, Storytelling, Water, Infrastructure, Urbanism, Deep time, Time, History, Anthropology, Local knowledge, Capitalism, Human-animal relations, Human-environment relations, Agriculture, Epistemology, Environmental Justice, Industrialization
- contributionAndrew Yang
Time (and time again)
How does the concept of the Anthropocene help to re-evaluate human and non-human agency across sub-disciplines of history?
Conversation, Deep time, History, Time
- contributionDorion Sagan
Möbius Trip. The Technosphere and Our Science Fiction Reality
In his feverish essay concerning the role of these efficient, yet paltry, energy distribution devices called humans, science writer Dorion Sagan exits the Anthropocene in pursuit of epochs, evolutionary constellations and thermodynamic possibilities beyond consensus models.
Technoscience, Biosphere, Evolution, Time
- contribution
Fragments of Thoughts
A collage of thoughts about co-evolutionary perspectives on the technosphere.
Human-environment relations, Complexity, Evolution, Time, Network, Scale, Naturecultures
- contributionOlivier Hamant, Lars Kulik, Jesse Peterson, Perrin Selcer, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
T/rain Lines
Experimental group study project
Field Work, Human-environment relations, Time
- projectManfred Laubichler, Daniel Niles, Jürgen Renn, Masahiro Terada, Joyeeta Gupta, Sander van der Leeuw
Seminar: Co-evolutionary Perspectives
How can we think beyond categorical distinctions between humans, culture, technology, and nature?
Human-environment relations, Complexity, Evolution, Time, Network, Scale, Naturecultures
- contributionChristopher Reznich
Times—Before and After
How does the Anthropocene’s time window relate to before and after? How can futures be understood in relation to the times before when we had no Anthropocene to think with?
Engagement, Storytelling, Future, History, Time, Representation
- projectElena Bougleux, Arno Brandlhuber, Erle C. Ellis, Tobias Hönig, Natalie Jeremijenko
Seminar: Anthropogenic Landscapes
Anthropogenic Landscapes ground us in the Anthropocene. They connect us with the land and the ecologies we shape, inhabit, and make use of, as they stress how intimately we are creating the planet that is recursively creating us. A fieldtrip to the former VEB Elektrokohle (People’s Enterprise Electro-coal) in Berlin-Lichtenberg helped us to observe, study, and reshape the shift from the larger context down to the local.
Human-environment relations, Time, Landscape, Urbanism
- contributionIoan Negrutiu
From Valuing Nature to Reclaiming Resources: Applications
Alongside the handbook, a pair of practical applications has been conceived to substantiate the “Valuing Nature” issue.
Case Study, Extraction, Speculative, Time
- projectMaialen Galarraga (Maia), Jeremy Bolen, Melissa Dubbin, Kathrin Keil, Chip Lord, Johannes Lundershausen, Agata Marzecova, Germain Meulemans, Sara Nelson, Jorg Sieweke
Images of the Anthropocene
What images do we get if we try to go beyond aiming to depict the Anthropocene as a general phenomenon? How can we and our everyday practice be visualized?
Case Study, Representation, Aesthetics, Anthropos, Time
- projectReinhold Leinfelder, Libby Robin, Helmuth Trischler
Seminar: Slow Media
Grasping the Anthropocene demands a sense of deceleration—we need “slow media” that by analogy with the slow food movement, engages with the complexities of a rapidly changing world by slowing down to the pace of a museum visit or engaging with physical or visual objects.
Teaching, Experiment, Media, Affect, Adaptation, Care, Time, slow media, slow violence
- contributionAnna Åberg, Hugo Ricardo Noronha de Almeida
Comics and Graphic Novels
This reflection addresses the realities and politics of “slow media,” using comics to explore how ideals of “slowness” interface with class privilege, consumerism, forms of attention, and counter-culture.
Reflection, Representation, Time
- contributionChip Lord
Cadillac Ranch, 2004
A case study on the human-nature relations of the installation Cadillac Ranch.
Time, Anthropos
- contributionHanna Husberg, Ele Carpenter, Ayesha Hameed, Laura McLean
The Free Sea
Unintended consequences and slippages in time—Ele Carpenter, Ayesha Hameed, Hanna Husberg, and Laura McLean discuss “The Free Sea”.
Case Study, Water, Time
- contributionMasahiro Terada, Olivier Hamant, Gregor Lax, Dariya Manova, Anna Lillie Svensson
A Slobjects Exercise: What’s in Our Pockets?
An exercise designed to facilitate a more direct, personalized understanding of the ways in which individual humans, nonhumans, and their attendant objects are connected to the large, often abstract concept of the Anthropocene.
Teaching, Knowledge transformation, Agency, Time
- contributionIsadora Neves Marques, Mariana Silva
Agricultural Revolution vs. the Industrial Revolution
c. 10,000 BC marks the agreed date of the beginning of the Agricultural Revolution. In a seminar room during Anthropocene Campus 2014, a group debated where to mark the beginning of the Anthropocene.
Film, Agriculture, Time, Scale, Industrialization